The Point Magazine, Issue 29, 2023, Second Minds (with Meghan O'Gieblyn)
New England Review, Vol. 43, No. 4 (2022), Don't Look It Up
The Yale Review, Fall 2021 issue, Now is Pretty CreepyÂ
The Point Magazine, 2020, Quarantine Journal: Public Matters
BuzzFeed Culture, 2018, When Michael Jackson Came to Malaysia
BuzzFeed Culture, 2018, Bald
The Point Magazine, Issue 14, 2017, The Google Bus
BuzzFeed Culture, Conversational Computers ("Google, Amazon, and Apple Don't Want You to Fear AI Anymore")
BuzzFeed Culture, The Infinite Game ("The Most Interesting Part of Fortnite is What Happens After You Lose")
BuzzFeed Culture, Jeff Bezos' Technoutopia ("Why Do We Love to Hate Jeff Bezos?)
BuzzFeed Culture, Remember Pandora Radio?